
Our purpose is to advance the school’s mission. Our desire is to develop Christian character in our student athletes. The athletic staff is dedicated to help mentor and encourage the student athletes in their endeavors not only in the athletic area but also in the classroom, community, at home, and church. The purpose is to help the students develop Christian lifestyle that will go with them the rest of their life.


  • To pursue with excellence as an athletic program that most of all glorifies God. To develop highly competitive programs and first class facilities.

  • To develop training in our elementary and junior high school programs that will prepare our students for varsity level competition.

  • To develop a training system beginning in the elementary school that will instruct our faculty, staff, parents, and students in the philosophy and expectations of our athletic department.

  • To use athletics to share Jesus Christ with those who do not know Him.

Fall Sports

  • Middle School Girls Volleyball

  • High School Girls Volleyball

Winter Sports

  • Middle School Girls Basketball

  • Middle School Boys Basketball

  • High School Girls Basketball

  • High School Boys Basketball

Spring Sports

  • High School Boys Baseball


Apostolic Christian Academy also offers an intramural leagues in for K5-5th grade students.